Cryptolithodes sitchensis (species)

crab (Cryptolothides sitchensis)

The "umbrella crab" is the second most popular of the Cryptolithodes. They have a wide carapace which covers their body, hiding their legs underneath, very similar to a horseshoe crab. Like their "Cryptolithodes typicus" sisters, umbrella crabs often disguise themselves as stones, and can be hard to spot as a result, but are sometimes found in bright vibrant colours as well. They are also quite common and found in rocky shallow water, feeding on coralline algae.

As with the other members of the Lithodoidea family, the umbrella crab lives in the Pacific, and has been photographed by Neil McDaniel in BC. Unfortunately, they're being threatened by deforestation due to its destructive effects on the kelp forests in which they live and the coralline algae they feed on.